

Seasoning ready-to-eat seaweed


Kelp nutrition value

1. The algae are a special kind of protein called glycoprotein affinity, can also be applied to the blood cell separation detection, drug carrier and immune antibody generation and the medicinal USES of anti-cancer drugs, algae glycoprotein affinity future diagnosis, tumor formation in the immune system function and transfer diagnosis and other clinical application has great potential.

2. In algae have immunity and antitumor activity of material, is a special polysaccharide, protein, lipid, pigment and low molecular substances. In traditional Chinese medicine, several kinds of brown algae after cooking can be used to prevent and treat cancer, the hot water extract was mostly polysaccharide.

3. The algae is rich in dietary fiber, fiber general seaweed is about 30 ~ 65% of dry weight, far more than five grains, legumes, the average content of vegetables and fruits. This, the modest increase in alginate fibre intake can reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, helpful to the normal laws of heart, blood vessels, and prevent cancer. In addition, kelp food fiber into the human stomach, due to absorb water and swell, likely to cause a satisfied feeling, avoid excessive food intake and cause obesity, and to achieve weight loss and health effect. Food fiber in the body and can help digestion and promote waste discharge, avoid the growth of harmful bacteria in the body, has the effects of the intestine.

4. The algae contain a variety of vitamins, main of vitamin B12, C and E, biotin and nicotinic acid, on the human body metabolism, many diseases prevention and recovery has a positive role.

5. Seaweed contains more than more than terrestrial plants and quantity of natural inorganic elements, in which sodium, potassium, iron, calcium content most. Heme iron is composition, iron deficiency anemia is one of the reasons; Calcium is a form of human bones and teeth, is also required to keep the normal cell membrane function; Such as human body lack of iodine can cause thyroid parafunction; Magnesium can relieve stress, avoid heart disease caused by stress.

6. Some edible seaweed, such as seaweed, algae, ulva and davallia tenuifolia sw more protein, about 20 to 39% of the dry weight of the body. Kelp contains more than 20 kinds of essential amino acids, it is important to most species have sulfur-containing amino acids, such as taurine, methionine, cystine and its derivatives, every one hundred grams of dry weight of algae content about between 41 ~ 72 mg. In addition to breast milk, eggs and beans more content of taurine, general land food protein sulfur-containing amino acid were insufficient or a lack of, not getting enough, affect human body health.




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