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"Collagen peptide powder" Industry Association standard validation will be successful


Release time:2015-05-07

By January 29th, Chinese aquatic products processing and Marketing Association, Weihai Yu Wang Group Limited company to undertake the "collagen peptide powder" Industry Association standard validation will be hold in Weihai Le Grand Large Hotel at sea.

At the meeting, experts from the company leadership and the quality and Safety Supervision Bureau, Chinese Fisheries Science Research Institute of the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, College of engineering, Ocean University of China, Huaihai etc unit, as well as related projects China aquatic products processing and Marketing Association of the responsible person, on the collagen protein peptide powder drafting standards are scientific, normative, adaptability has carried on the thorough discussion, and made corresponding adjustments. It is understood, this standard by Weihai Yu Wang Group, national aquatic product testing center (Weihai), Chinese Academy of Sciences process and many other units responsible for drafting. In 2013 December, experts made a preliminary discussion on the draft, modify and complete the draft. This is a review of the draft validation will be strictly standard again.

Collagen is the fish as the main raw material, through the pure natural health products made of advanced bio technology. Because the product without the same product standards and similar products of national and industry standards, to ensure the food safety, Industry Association standards formulated, as the production, inspection, storage and sales basis. The standard officially recognized, to further promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, promote regional economic development, make the products of China to develop standards to reach the international advanced level.